Gabrielle K Brown 'Hot Steel & A Block of Ice'

Gabrielle K Brown 'Hot Steel & A Block of Ice'
Artist : Gabrielle K Brown
Title : Hot Steel & A Block of Ice
Medium : mixed media on canvas
Dimensions : 105 x 80 cm
“We must always return back to the spirit, the spirit that births us and what brightens our heart. The individual journey is very special, along the way we may feel as if there are many knives digging into us, this pain we feel is our emotions breaking through but also is a sign of our inner strength. If we can keep our focus on the present moment and allow peace to flow around us and through us like water then we may let go of the pain we are experiencing. The armour the main subject is wearing is how we protect ourselves from harm and the albino tiger on her belt is a symbol of spiritual enlightenment and courage. Branching out from her head are two wings, to help her stay above the noise of the mind and the world. The collision above her head is the two energies that exist within us colliding. This is the moment where she will decide what path she will take but first she must observe what is happening around her. On one island are the monks that hug and the monks that fist fight, one is an act of love and the other is an act of violence, sometimes we choose to love ourselves and sometimes we are hurtful to ourselves, it is up to us which side we wish to feed. The island across is an experience the main subject had, she is hanging upside-down from a tree, she has been tied there and the blood is rushing to her head, this is the consequence when we overwork ourselves and give too much into the expectations of our earthly reality. Only she can cut the rope and set her body free. On the third island is the main subject without her armour, she is enjoying herself as she sips on a glass of milk, the milk is referencing the fluid of eternal life and she is giving back to herself that which she lost in the tree. The man playing bagpipes is also a side of her inner self, her masculine energy, the music being played is a reminder of the harmony we can share when taking some time to be still. The moral of this piece is to take care of ourselves, nurture the spirit first and it will flow into the body and mind. This opens the door for us to be of good service to the world around us.”