Gabrielle K Brown 'Eat The Soup Live The Dream Live Die Repeat'

Gabrielle K Brown 'Eat The Soup Live The Dream Live Die Repeat'
Artist : Gabrielle K Brown
Title : Eat The Soup Live The Dream Live Die Repeat
Medium : mixed media
Dimensions : 185 x 160 cm
“She who eats the soup is a symbol of fuelling the body to continue on. She is half clothed and half naked as she seeks balance between the nature of being human and being sexualized. She births the leopard attacking the alligator firstly as a symbol of the cycle of life and secondly as the battle between the two beasts within us. Also the leopard is there to bring healing and is a counselor in difficult times. When all seems lost, the Leopard comes to help us take back our Power. The alligator is the keeper and protector of all knowledge. It is the end of one period in our life and the beginning of something new. Wile E. Coyote is approaching her with his knife and fork as he desires her soup, this hungry energy is mass consumption that stems from the western culture and it demonstrates how humans always seem to need what someone else is experiencing. Wile E. Coyote could also be viewed as a character that is hungry to be in touch with his true nature, he notices the connection she has within herself and he would like that as well. The table is bare except for one other Looney Tunes character, Sylvester, he is shocked as he notices the man shaving in the doorway. This man is the main subject’s old lover, he has lost touch with the world around him and has let his ego take control. He is shaving his pubic hair to try and cleanse himself from past patterns. As he does so he is being whispered to by the devil but it is unclear whether he is listening or not. The man shaving can also represent how we all can be approached by things of a darker nature and it is up to us if we choose to hear it or not. The prehistoric animal skulls are the connection we have to our past while the painting above is the symbol of our inner child and our relationship to God itself. Outside is the volcano erupting, this is the world in chaos, but being inside within the wooden walls is the home of the spirit, where regardless of the destruction there is always a place of peace. Above are the mountain tops, this is the viewpoint from our spirit, if we can keep ourselves elevated and see things from a higher perspective we may be less affected by what we experience on the ground. Marty Stouffer’s Wild America is showcasing the connection between what’s real and what isn’t, this is a visual representation of the commercial use in today’s cultures which is contrasting humans being in touch with the wild and their true nature. The great protectors which surround the painting are the angels that guide us, they hold the snake from birth until adulthood as both a symbol of growth and of our inner power.“