EXHIBITION DATES : Online from 14/6 – 22/7/23

‘Litha’ is the seventh in an evolving series of Anima Mundi online mixed exhibitions following this rhythm of the seasons, known as ‘the wheel of the year’. This ‘calendar’ provides a cue for the duration of each show, and inevitably flavours the selection of works presented.
In many traditions, time is considered to be cyclical rather than straight line. Perceived as a perpetual cycle of growth and retreat tied to the Sun’s annual death and rebirth. This cycle is also viewed as a micro and macrocosm of broader life cycles in an immeasurable series of rotations composing the Universe. The days that fall on the landmarks of the yearly cycle traditionally mark the beginnings and middle-points of the four seasons.
The exhibition includes artworks by (in order of appearance) :
Mat Chivers, Alban Roinard, Luke Frost, Tim Shaw, Sam Lock, Joy Wolfenden Brown, Simon Averill, Rebecca Harper, Stuart Pearson Wright, Paul Benney, Alastair & Fleur Mackie, Sax Impey, Andrew Hardwick, Arthur Lanyon, Eleanor Faye Woods, Carlos Zapata, David Kim Whittaker, Kate Clark, Henry Hussey, Katie Sims, Jackson Whitefield, Luke Hannam, Luke Routledge, Michael McGrath, Peter Burns, Jim Carter, Judith Nangala Crispin, Miles Cleveland Goodwin, Roger Thorp, Jamie Mills, Roy Eastland, Andrew Litten.


“My soul is in the sky.”

click on images for caption information, scale view, zoom function and artist biographies

click to view all of the exhibitions in this series