Andrew Litten 'Everyday Means' - Retrospective at The Royal Cornwall Museum

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Andrew Litten's forthcoming, retrospective, solo exhibition at the Royal Cornwall Museum opens on Tuesday 1st May. The exhibition will consist of paintings and assemblages made from 1990-99. 

Grounded firmly in figurative representations of everyday events, these works convey strong visceral content that tackles the emotions that lie beneath the mundane and the ordinary. During this period Litten made use of a wide range of humble, domestic or found materials including envelopes and assembled furniture parts. Joseph Clarke (director of Anima Mundi) wrote "the addition of hair, stuffed creatures, staples, screws, the scraps of paper or board that the work was made on, often created formal as well as emotional shift; important vehicles for helping the strange message within to reveal itself and go to work on the viewer." His use of wit is a striking factor in this work which aims to challenged ideas of art elitism and art as commodity.

A 36 page publication, 'Everyday Means' (Selected Small Works: 1990-99)' is available to purchase from the museum shop.

Further details:

Royal Cornwall Museum
River Street,