Laura J Adams, Simon Allen, Simon Averill, Sarah Ball, Samuel Bassett, Trevor Bell, Paul Benney, Beatrice Brown, Mat Chivers, Steve Goddard, Andrew Hardwick, Youki Hirakawa, Sax Impe, Arthur Lanyon, Onya McCausland, Jamie Mills, Richard Nott, Peter Randall-Page, Tim Shaw RA, Jarno Vesala, David Kim Whittaker, Joy Wolfenden Brown and Carlos Zapata
“Listen closely... the eternal hush of silence goes on and on throughout all this, and has been going on, and will go on and on. This is because the world is nothing but a dream and is just thought of and the everlasting eternity pays no attention to it.”
Jack Kerouac
'From Silence' is an Anima-Mundi mixed exhibition taking place at Herrick Gallery, 93 Piccadilly, Mayfair, London, W1J 7NQ (Nearest underground is Green Park) from 17th October and continues until 5th November.
"To be silent; to be alone. All the being and the doing, expansive, glittering, vocal, evaporated; and one shrunk, with a sense of solemnity, to being oneself, a wedge-shaped ore of darkness, something invisible to others… and this self having shed its attachments was free for the strangest adventures.”
Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse
Jack Kerouac
'From Silence' is an Anima-Mundi mixed exhibition taking place at Herrick Gallery, 93 Piccadilly, Mayfair, London, W1J 7NQ (Nearest underground is Green Park) from 17th October and continues until 5th November.
"To be silent; to be alone. All the being and the doing, expansive, glittering, vocal, evaporated; and one shrunk, with a sense of solemnity, to being oneself, a wedge-shaped ore of darkness, something invisible to others… and this self having shed its attachments was free for the strangest adventures.”
Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse